GNEC with more than half-century proudly presence in Water & Energy Industries


Congratulations for the 48th Anniversary of GNEC Establishment

It makes me a proud Director of GNEC as I announce that we are close to end of 5th decade of history of our Company. On the 22nd of June our company ended 48th year from its establishment. I take this occasion to thank each of our employees for being an earnest part of GNEC.

What began on 1973 now has risen up to stand tall amongst the business pioneers of the time with more than 1200 employees. Our company has countless achievements and accomplishments, especially from last year during pandemic which proves the exceptional efforts of our employees.

It is worth to mention that, without the support of our excellent team, our gains would never have been so much tremendous. Every one of our employees plays an important role in development of our company. It is for their enthusiasm, support and dedication that have brought us to this height.

We are also grateful to our clients and our partners, all around the world, who trusted in us for providing our professional services. Their demands, challenges and feedbacks have pushed us to go ahead and improve vigorously. They spread the word faster and in a better way than any of our promotional means could.

We plan to keep our business and relation growing with you and continue to provide you nothing less than the best. With your support, we wish to achieve new heights in the years to come.

Sincerely Yours,

Saeid Mohazzab Torabi

Managing Director

