GNEC with more than half-century proudly presence in Water & Energy Industries

Research and Development (R&D)


Research & Development

By tremendous growth of science and technology, R&D have become an inherent activity of engineering fields. GNEC has also kept the pace with such trend and follows the R&D activities through diversified procedures.

The major part goes to cooperation with scientific establishments like technical universities and research centers. While, we also support our own staff which have led to many articles and number of books which are widely accepted and used in engineering fields.

In order to make an Incentive for the staff of the Company, a procedure for Appreciation of R&D works is developed and enacted inside the company. Through this procedure many useful research projects are already handled and have brought bilateral benefits for the researchers and the company.

Along with research and development, we have not neglected education.Continuous and in-service training of employees after evaluating the educational needs of each person, based on the desired job, is provided inside or outside of GNEC. Accordingly, an independent budget is dedicated to training as well as research and development by GNEC CEO annually.

An excerpt of the procedure may be found here in below.

Procedure of Evaluating and Appreciating the Scientific Research Works of GNEC Staff

