GNEC with more than half-century proudly presence in Water & Energy Industries


Green Industry, Environmental protection and stable development (World Environment Day, June 5th)

Nowadays, environmental problems are one of the most acute and important problems of human societies. Human life depends on nature and there is an inseparable link between human beings and nature. Following progress of industry in recent centuries as well as expansion and destruction of the environment the relationship between human and nature has been shaken. Undoubtedly, the main victim of this tragedy is human .

GNEC, with more than 45 years experience in performing projects in the fields of energy and related industries, has always tried to observe environmental considerations. In fact, environmental studies has a 25 year record in GNEC history. During the boom of dam construction in Iran, environmental impact assessment studies of large dams have been performed in GNEC.

In recent years and with power plants development specially combined cycle power plants, environmental impact assessment studies of such power plants have been performed in GNEC.

GNEC has always considered itself responsible for the environment and tried to play a small role in the field of improving the environmental situation of the country.
