Message of Managing Director
Thank you for trust and interest in Ghods Niroo Engineering Company.
We believe that our survival depends on our client's confidence. Therefore,
we try to safeguard your trust with hard work to deliver better services and to improve
professional values.
GNEC with more than 48 years of experience is one of the largest, most experienced and most efficient companies in the field of power and energy industry. This company provides all managerial, technical and economic study services, engineering consultancy and supervision in the areas of operation, construction and development of gas, steam, combined cycle power plants, renewable energy and energy optimization, power transmission and substations, sub-transmission, distribution, dams and water structures, water and sewage networks ,watershed management, oil, gas and petrochemical industries, railway transportation industries, dispatching and communications, smart grid and cooperation for investment in the market with competitive quality and time.
Our company consistent with the updated needs and requirements, especially with business environment and new global approaches of the energy industry and relying on qualified, experienced and professional human resources as a learning, leading and flexible organization has set its vision to become a superior company among consulting engineering companies with a large range of activities related to the scope of its assignments within the country and internationally. In this regard, customer satisfaction, attention to preserving and improving of the quality of service, sense of responsibility and integrity are the values in the center of attention and we are committed to respect them.
I believe that achieving any success has being realized by the work and efforts of company's staff over the years.
Saeid Mohazzab Torabi
Managing Director